For Contributors

Journal's focus
Verba Theologica is a scholarly periodical which publishes original articles and short studies on a wide range of issues pertaining to systematic theology, biblical theology, patristics, and liturgy, as well as the relationship between theology and philosophy, literature, and sacred art.

Instructions for contributors
The journal is published twice a year (May and November). It is not monothematic and welcomes original contributions from the fields of theology mentioned above. All correspondence should be addressed to: verba[at] Submission deadline is February 28th and September 30th. The contributions may be submitted in Slovak, Czech, English, German, Italian and French. Only contributions in Slovak are proofread. All submissions are anonymously peer-reviewed (double-blind peer-review) and the editorial board reserves the right to decide on the suitability of articles for publication.

The contributions must contain the descriptive title of the article, the abstract (10 - 15 lines) and the keywords (4 - 5 words) in English. The author‘s brief curriculum vitae and contact information must appear at the end of the contribution. No fees are paid to the author for the publication of his/her contribution.

The length of the article should normally not exceed 20 pages (approximately 36,000 characters apart from spaces and footnotes). All articles must fully conform to the bibliographical style and citation norms indicated in STN ISO 690.

Addresses for submission of contributions:

Guidelines for Book Reviews
VTh publishes reviews of books that align with the focus of the journal. Books not older than two years or whose importance remains current will be given priority.

Editors ask that reviewers adhere to the following guidelines:

Content: The review should not only summarize the book in terms of its content, but above all assess its scholarly contribution. Reviewers should succinctly situate the book within the context of past and present scholarship in the field. It is expected that concrete reasons be given when articulating praise or making critical comments.

Tone: Please maintain professional tone, even when disagreeing with the author or when pointing out factual errors.

Length: 2 to 3 pages (spacing 1.5). Reviews that exceed this length will be shortened by the editors or will be returned to you for shortening.

Format: Reviews should be submitted in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) using a 12-point Times New Roman font. The review ought to contain the bibliographic information about the book using the guidelines STN ISO 690.

Citations: When citing or providing examples, give page numbers in parentheses. Please do not use footnotes.

Deadline: Please submit the review on time.

Send your review electronically to recenzieVTh[at]